Tuesday, March 4, 2025

RHINO'S RUN by Robert Lipsyte


Ronnie Rhinehart's focus is on football. He's captain of the team and plans to play Division I in college. If all goes well, that will allow him to get out of his dying town.

Home life is full of up and down emotions. His parents are usually focused on whatever is happening in their jobs. Rhino only gets attention when he does something wrong or slacks off in his training.

When Rhino lashes out during a school assembly and punches a popular kid, he finds himself suspended and required to attend the Group for counseling. Meeting with the Group does help him feel better. There's also the added benefit of meeting some new people with problems of their own. However, when one of the Group members brings a gun, and Rhino learns he was the target of the attack, his values begin to shift.

Author Robert Lipsyte has written twelve novels for young adults. I was excited to see his latest RHINO'S RUN. It is very relevant in today's very divided culture. The story will have a definite impact on reader's and get them thinking about what is most important in life.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

IT'S ALL OR NOTHING, VALE by Andrea Beatriz Arango

What happens when the thing that you most identify with might be taken away? Are you still you, or do you have to remake yourself?

Vale is recovering from a devastating accident that severely injured her leg. She has gone through surgeries and therapy, but she isn't sure she is well enough to resume her one love - fencing. She has been given permission to start returning slowly. As she reenters the gym and picks up her training, she knows that things are not the same. She is used to being in first place and winning every match, however, that isn't where she is anymore.

Vale fears she may have been replaced by a new girl just as skilled as she used to be. What is difficult is that despite her jealousy, she also really likes this girl, perhaps more than she's willing to admit. 

Author Andrea Beatriz Arango uses verse to tell Vale's story. A supportive family, a coach who wants to see her back in competitive form, and a new friendship all combine to lend a hand in Vale's recovery. Will fencing still be the best thing in Vale's life, or will she learn other things are just as rewarding?


Saturday, February 22, 2025

STRONGER AT THE SEAMS by Shannon Stocker


Twyla loves playing field hockey. She is determined to improve her skills to impress the coach and make it to varsity next year. Unfortunately, Twyla has been feeling nauseous lately. She has even vomited several times. Maybe she's dehydrated or needs to get more sleep.

When the coach notices Twyla's performance on the field has been slipping, she threatens that Twyla won't be able to play. Twyla's friends are also noticing the physical changes like weight loss and the constant complaints about her stomach. She even vomits at a sleepover which requires a call to her father.

A trip to the ER and later to her doctor, end with Twyla being told she is constipated, but she is convinced that's not the problem. The medicine she is prescribed only increases her stomach discomfort, so she begins hiding the dose every morning, so her father doesn't know she's not taking it.

Twyla begins wondering what exactly caused the accident that killed her mother five years ago. Is it possible her mother had some illness that Twyla also has? She can't bring up the subject with her father, and her friends seem to be pulling away from her instead of being there for her. How can she find out what is wrong when no one will take her seriously?

Author Shannon Stocker's STRONGER AT THE SEAMS shows how physical illness can cause not only discomfort but also stress in family and friend relationships. We must be careful not to get caught up in our own personal issues when we should be listening to others and offering help when they need it.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025



As a fan of the BAT series, I'm thrilled to review #4 BAT AND THE BUSINESS OF FERRETS. Bat is starting 4th grade. He isn't thrilled to have a new teacher and even less excited to find out his new teacher has students sitting and small groups instead of individual seats. He's also extremely disappointed to learn there is no class pet.

When Bat's mother stops off at her vet office one day after school, Bat wishes she would just go straight home. She tells him there's a surprise, so he feels a bit better about the stop. What he discovers inside is amazing! There are 4 baby ferrets in a box. Bat has never seen ferrets in person, but he does know that a group of ferrets is called a business.

One of the ferrets is pure white and according to his mother's assistant, it is deaf. Bat immediately thinks it would be a great classroom pet since it wouldn't be bothered by a noisy classroom. Bat and his friend Israel begin planning how they will get their teacher to change his mind about having a class pet.

Author Elana K. Arnold shows readers Bat's difficulties in interpreting people's emotions and feelings. As a person on the autism spectrum, Bat needs reminders to think about how he should interact with others. Bat has plenty to teach all of us when it comes to being caring to both people and animals.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

AWAY by Megan E. Freeman


If you read ALONE by Megan E. Freeman, you will want to check out her newly released book AWAY. She listened to all her fans wanting to know what happened to the people who left the area in the evacuations that left Maddie behind, alone. Now you can read about those others and what happened to them.

An imminent threat warning pulls folks from their beds with a call to evacuate immediately. Four young people, Ashanti, Teddy, Grandin, and Harmony, pack bags as their families join the evacuees. They end up in a relocation camp who knows how many miles away from their Colorado homes.

Ashanti has dreams of becoming a doctor like her mother. Teddy lives with his theater loving grandmother who encourages his love of film and movies. Grandin's life has been centered on a ranch where he helps his father with the livestock. Harmony's mother is a preacher for a small congregation.
When they meet in the relocation camp, they discover they are all curious about the exact nature of the imminent danger threat that has gotten them here.

Harmony, with a goal to become a journalist, immediately starts keeping a notebook about the happenings around the camp. Teddy is ever attentive with his camera, filming this new group of friends and anything else of interest. Ashanti pays close attention to the folks who visit her mother for medical care, and Grandin plots his escape ever since his father snuck away from the compound.

The more the kids notice about their surroundings and the behavior of the adults in charge, the more they become suspicious. There seems to be evidence that their former homes have not been contaminated by a life-threatening substance, but who can they trust and how can they prove their theories?

AWAY is written in a combination of verse, news articles, and film scripts to give it a truly adventurous flair. If you've read ALONE, you'll definitely want to get ahold of a copy of this one soon.

Friday, February 14, 2025

WILL'S RACE FOR HOME by Jewell Parker Rhodes


Will lives with his parents and his grandfather. The Civil War is over, and they are living as free former slaves. However, as sharecroppers, it doesn't seem like they are free. Working on land that isn't theirs for money they end up turning over to the landowners, makes it seem like they are still slaves.

News of the Oklahoma land rush gives Will's father the hope of owning his own land and being truly free. Leaving his mother and grandfather behind, Will and his father set off to travel by wagon in hopes of getting to Oklahoma by the April 22 deadline. On that day the land rush is on to claim a piece of the two million acres open for settlement. If they are successful, they can claim 160 acres. If they work the land for five years, it will become theirs.

Will is excited to be traveling with his father, but he doesn't understand how difficult it will be. There is rough terrain, snakes and other wild animals, and towns with criminal elements out to take advantage of naive travelers. In one town they are rescued by a former Union soldier who agrees to help them along on their journey. This partnership makes life a bit easier, especially when they must cross the dangerous Red River. 

Can they make it by the deadline? If they do, can they claim the land that will change their lives? Author Jewell Parker Rhodes brings to life an exciting time in history readers will remember long after they turn the last page.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

THE BIG BOOK OF BARF by Vicky Lorencen


THE BIG BOOK OF BARF: A Spewnami of Sick Science, Hurled History, and Body Oddities by Vicky Lorencen is an awesome new book the kids you know will love! At a recent author event Lorencen explained the book started as a mere pamphlet of information but then took on a life of its own, ending in this volume of barf knowledge that could be shelved among encyclopedias.

Three quirky characters take readers on a tour of everything vomit. Chuck (UpChuck), Queezy, and Professor Anita Puke provide definitions, explanations, history, funny stories, jokes, and even recipes and crafts centered around barf.

Organized in what they call Ralphabetical order, THE BIG BOOK OF BARF can be read in just about any order. Being a creature of habit, I started at page one and read it from start to finish, however, readers looking for adventure can open to any page or search for any letter in the ralphabet to find something fun to read and learn. 

Filled with fun and colorful illustrations by Remy Simard, this book begs to be read and reread and showed off to anyone you want to gross out with vomit related information.