Sunday, May 20, 2012

THE RIGHT AND THE REAL by Joelle Anthony

The Right and The Real is a church with over 1,000 followers.  Jamie's father, on a search for meaning in his life, becomes involved in the religious group.  Jamie finds something other than spiritual meaning; she finds Josh.  It's hard to believe such a hot guy would find her interesting, but he seems to be head-over-heels in love with her.

Jamie's early life was one train wreck after another because in her father's attempt to "rescue" her mother from a life of substance abuse, their family almost fell apart.  Since her mother left to live in California, Jamie and her father have been able to put together a solid life.  Jamie's grandfather's trust fund has also provided stability and the possibility of the future in acting that Jamie dreams about every day.

When her father meets Mira at church, she is happy for him.  It's his first relationship with a woman since her mother left, but it doesn't take long for things to get weird.  When the two decide to get married, Jamie learns that she will be expected to sign a pledge with the church.  Though she believes she is in love with Josh and she is happy for her father, she isn't ready to commit herself to the strict rules of The Right and The Real, especially when she is told she will have to quit school and live in the church compound.  There is no way she is giving up her dream of acting school in New York City.

Despite Jamie's reservations, her father marries Mira and Jamie's life falls apart.  She comes home from school to find all her possessions packed in boxes on the front porch.  She's been kicked out of the only home she's ever known and forced to survive on her own.  Her friends would surely help, but Jamie can't bring herself to tell them the truth.  Jamie is determined to handle her own problems until things spiral completely out of her control.

Author Joelle Anthony takes readers on a roller coaster of emotions as Jamie attempts to keep her life together and still achieve her goals.  THE RIGHT AND THE REAL is filled with pain and vulnerability, and at the same time, heartfelt determination.  Jamie is faced with one obstacle after another, but she holds on, exhibiting a faith no church can match.

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