Monday, November 19, 2012

PERIOD 8 by Chris Crutcher

I'm still pinching myself unable to believe I scored an ARC of PERIOD 8 by Chris Crutcher.  Scheduled for release in April of 2013, PERIOD 8 is an example of vintage Crutcher combined with a dash of mystery.  I was almost breathless in the final 30-40 pages as the action rushed to a riveting conclusion.

Teacher Bruce Logsdon is about to complete his last year of teaching.  He's one of those special teachers who just seem to connect with kids in a way that goes beyond the classroom.  Logs, as he is known to his students, welcomes kids to join him in his classroom for Period 8.  Having lunch in Logs room means not just eating but also opening up in discussions about whatever is on anyone's mind.

Paulie Baum has another connection with Logs besides P-8.  Both are dedicated swimmers and workout year round.  Some say their dedication borders on insanity when the two are seen swimming in the local lake on days when the temperature barely hits forty degrees. 

Paulie respects Logs and brings his problems to this trusted teacher.  His recent breakup with Hannah has been a current topic of discussion.  It involves another girl who is mysteriously absent from Period 8 causing both Logs and the other students to suspect something strange.  It is common knowledge that the girl's father is famous for his strict rules and often unreasonable behavior where his daughter is concerned.  Paulie is hoping Logs can help them shred some light on her unexplained disappearance.

Although the students have known each other and shared Period 8 for all their years in high school, they are discovering they don't know each other as well as they thought. 

Crutcher grabs the attention of readers with intense character relationships and a quick moving plot.  The ever-changing social fabric of high school mixes with the mystery of a missing student to make this a real page turner.  I'm looking forward to spreading the news about this latest Crutcher offering.

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