Wednesday, March 28, 2018

THE DEAD INSIDE by Cyndy Etler

The Dead Inside: A True Story

THE DEAD INSIDE is the true story of Cyndy Etler's experience in a drug rehab facility called Straight, Inc. Centers for drug rehabilitation are necessary and useful facilities in battling today's drug and alcohol abuse, however, the cult-like, brainwashing methods of Straight, Inc. no doubt leave its residents scarred for life.

Cyndy begins her story with her fourteen year old attempts to survive the advances of her step-father while trying to fit in and be popular at school. Desperate for friendship, Cyndy made numerous poor choices that landed her in a group of older teens into drugs, alcohol, and sex. Cyndy wasn't tempted by the weed, pills, and alcohol and mostly faked her way through the parties where everyone was either high or drunk.

Sex was a different story. Fearful and disgusted by her step-father's advances, Cyndy found something comforting and also powerful about the effect she had on the older teen boys. Thinking she was forming real relationships, she gave herself completely to the attention.

When Cyndy's mother discovered her daughter's activity, she needs a way to get rid of the competition for her own husband's attention. She bought right into the ministry of Straight, Inc. and didn't mind that her daughter ended up there for over a year.

Cyndy reveals the helplessness and frustration of being pushed and shoved and ordered to perform senseless rituals for hours and hours at a time. Straight, Inc. eventually wears down its clients without truly treating their addictions. As the cover states, "The only way to get out is to give in." 

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