Saturday, March 30, 2019

SHOUT by Laurie Halse Anderson

Bestselling author Laurie Halse Anderson takes readers into her story as a survivor. In SHOUT she tells about abuse by a trusted friend and the impact it had on the rest of her life.

As the daughter of a minister, she tells of the frequent moves during her childhood. Her father's unpredictable behavior made life uncertain much of the time. Shame and the knowledge that talking to anyone about her abusive experience would not be welcome news, Anderson kept it a secret for years. 

Anderson's experience revealed itself through her work. SPEAK addressed the subject of rape. TWISTED details a difficult father/son relationship. CATALYST revealed two unlikely friends. The backstories for these books are made clear through Anderson's artful, descriptive, and often stark words.

SHOUT is difficult to describe. It simply needs to be experienced. Anderson's courage speaks directly to the survivors of #MeToo. 

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