Friday, November 10, 2023

PROJECT F by Jeanne DuPrau


Jeanne DuPrau, author of the CITY OF EMBER series, has revisited the future in PROJECT F. It is several hundred years in the future and the use of fossil fuels is against the law. Life has changed, but everyone hopes it is for the good of the world.

Keith volunteers to take the train to pick up his young cousin Lulu. He sees it as being helpful to his busy parents and also as a brief adventure. Lulu parents tragically drowned in the ocean leaving her an orphan. It is a two-day train ride there and back to pick up Lulu and bring her back to live with Keith and his parents.

When there is a mix-up with Keith's bag and that of another passenger on the train, it results in a short detour as Keith and Lulu make the return trip. This detour uncovers an exciting secret. Keith ends up as part of an experiment that has him flying in a sort of jet pack invention. The flight is thrilling, but Keith and Lulu are sworn to secrecy.

Keith later finds himself involved in a demonstration of the new machine, but in the meantime, he learns that it is powered by coal which is one of the illegal fossil fuels. Should he still participate in the demonstration or should he turn in the men to the authorities for using the forbidden fuel?

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