Wednesday, May 1, 2024



Amina "Mina" Conteh has always been told she inherited her ability to speak up for herself from her mother. Sometimes speaking up has gotten her in trouble. Recently, cursing at an annoying fellow classmate ends up with a phone call home and discipline from her father. He decides Mina needs to spend some time volunteering for Pastor Johnson at their local church.

Mina begins her volunteer stint, but things don't turn out like she anticipated. When Pastor Johnson offers her a ride home, she accepts even though he mentions stopping by the church office to handle some paperwork. Instead of paperwork, he takes advantage of Mina leaving her unsure about whether she should report his behavior or keep quiet.

Later when Pastor Johnson is arrested for a sexual attack on another teenager, Mina decides to speak up. Now everyone is questioning whether she is being honest about the popular pastor's actions. She is reluctant to reveal her story to her current boyfriend and even her best friend. Will they believe her? Will the authorities who seem to want to hear her story take any action, or will her version of what happened continue to be suspect?

Author Hannah V. Sawyerr calls on personal experience in this powerful novel in verse. Readers will learn about how difficult and traumatic it can be to be a victim of a crime so many find hard to believe.

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