Wednesday, September 19, 2018

EXPELLED by James Patterson and Emily Raymond

Just weeks before the end of his junior year, Theo is expelled for posting an inappropriate photo on his Twitter account. Theo swears he didn't do and vows to find out the real culprit and clear his name.

Theo isn't the only one expelled. Parker, the school's most popular jock, happens to be front and center in the photo with drink in hand. Jude is also booted from school since he appears dressed as the school mascot performing a lewd act in the background of the picture. Sasha's expulsion is for an entirely unrelated crime, but she's convinced to become part of the plan to clear Theo's name.

EXPELLED is the perfect quick read for teens. They will easily relate to the stresses of high school as well as the cliques and the inappropriate use of social media. Patterson's partnership with Emily Raymond results in a page-turner that includes intrigue, romance, and family issues.

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