Monday, August 24, 2020

KISS NUMBER 8 by Colleen Af Venable & Ellen T. Crenshaw


Mads plays video games with her dad and together they are watching a crazy sci-fi series that drives her mother nuts. They have a weekly "date" at the minor league baseball stadium where they eat cheese fries and root for the not-so-great local team. Mads's relationship with her mom is tense and often brings out the worst in Mads, but as a family they aren't bad.

Mads has a daring best friend named Cat who takes risks and sometimes drags Mads into things she normally wouldn't do. Lately, Cat has been encouraging Mads to step out into the dating/clubbing world in hopes of hooking her up with someone. Mads can easily count her romantic experiences on two hands, and she doesn't think any of them have been successful enough for further exploration.

When Mads suspects her dad has been having an affair, she discovers an even bigger and darker family secret. Neither of her parents are forthcoming with information so Mads does some detective work of her own and discovers her grandmother was not the woman she thought. The information creates a rift in her relationship with her dad that threatens to change things forever, especially when he discovers Mads is hiding a secret of her own.

KISS NUMBER 8 is hands-down the best graphic novel I've ever read. The format was comfortable and appealing, and the story flowed smoothly from page to page. I was immediately rooting for Mads and hoping the best would come her way. Teens will love this one no matter their interest or gender.

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