Sunday, August 23, 2020

THE VOTING BOOTH by Brandy Colbert

Marva has been eagerly awaiting this day. She will be voting in her first election. She has been helping with "get the vote out" effort and hopes the results of the election will help further the issues she thinks will make a different to her community and the nation.

Marva successfully casts her vote, but as she's leaving the polling place she overhears a young man being told he can't vote. She immediately steps up to question what he's being told which is step one in a one day adventure you won't want to miss.

Duke knows voting is extremely important. He lost his older brother who was an ardent supporter of the right to vote and make a difference. Duke can't believe it when he is turned away without casting his vote. Fortunately, a bold girl named Marva takes control of the situation and whisks him off to figure things out so he can still vote before the polls close.

THE VOTING BOOTH by Brandy Colbert is perfectly timed given the upcoming election and the issues about mail-in ballots and attempts to stop people from exercising their right to vote. Colbert combines voting, a bit of romance, some family struggles, and lost kitty to make this novel a winner. Get it into the hands of readers today!

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