Wednesday, August 11, 2021

DEAD WEDNESDAY by Jerry Spinelli


There are two reasons for Worm Tarnauer to be excited. One is the fact that summer vacation is a mere seven days and a wake-up away. The other is today is a half day known throughout the town as Dead Wednesday.

Every year at this time the outgoing eighth graders are dismissed early. When the day begins, each 8th grader is given the name of a teen who died the previous year. The deaths aren't from natural causes but rather preventable accidents like texting or drinking while driving. Each student wears a black shirt and is treated as "dead" by everyone at school and in town. On this special Wednesday Worm and his classmates are supposed to reflect on the unfortunate passing of unlucky teens.

Worm is shy so being ignored seems perfect. His hope is to survive the half day and then meet up with his best friend Eddie to watch an after school fight that has been predicted between a couple of the 8th grade boys. Hearing that his mother expects him home immediately after school to help out with chores doesn't exactly thrill Worm. He knows she's mad when he tells her no, but this day only happens once and he wants to enjoy it.

Rebecca Ann Finch is the name on the card Worm is given. It says she was 17 when she died in a car crash. When Worm slips on the black shirt, he isn't expecting much, but that soon changes. With the appearance of what he can only call Becca's "ghost," Worm's day becomes anything but normal. Is he supposed to help Becca or is she here to help him? Worm's view of the world is about to change.

Well-known author Jerry Spinelli may have just topped his popular book STARGIRL. Readers will be immediately drawn to Worm and captivated by the deceased Becca Finch. DEAD WEDNESDAY is the perfect book for readers about to move into the world of adolescence and all the emotional and physical changes they will face. Worm's transition is sure to inspire courage and self-esteem.

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