Sunday, August 22, 2021

THE UNDROWNED by K.R. Alexander


Finding scary stories for middle grade readers isn't always easy. THE UNDROWNED by K.R. Alexander is definitely one to put on your list. A quick read with just the right amount of scariness, it is a perfect addition to any classroom library.

Samantha is known around school as a bully. She wasn't always a bully, but the thing that happened with her ex-best friend Rachel turned her into one. If you come too close in the hallway, Samantha will shove you out of the way. If you look at her wrong, she'll knock your books on the floor. Best advice - stay out of her way.

At home Samantha has to listen to the constant fighting between her parents. They are always criticizing her grades and her attitude and comparing her to her perfect little sister Jessica. She's just been grounded and told she won't be able to attend the amusement park trip planned for the weekend. Samantha is MAD!

When Samantha heads down to the lake for some peace and quiet, she finds Rachel on the dock with her sketchbook. Samantha has had it with being nice. She gives Rachel a shove that sends her splashing into the lake. Minutes pass and Rachel doesn't surface. It's too late to dive in after her and calling 911 will only present questions Samantha doesn't want to deal with so she decides to remain silent.

Imagine Samantha's surprise when Rachel shows up the next day at school. What is going on? You'll have to read THE UNDROWNED to find out.

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