Tuesday, June 4, 2024

MICHIGAN VS. THE BOYS by Carrie S. Allen


Michigan Manning loves playing hockey so when her school announces they are eliminating the girls' hockey program, she is determined to continue playing. While some of her female teammates decide to take up other sports, play for club teams, or even transfer to other schools, Michigan decides to try out for the boys' team.

Her father congratulates her when she makes the team, her mother doesn't approve, and her little brother thinks it is awesome that his sister will be playing with the guys. When the boys see her name on the roster, most are not happy. She is going to have an uphill battle proving that she deserves to be part of their team.

Michigan takes it in stride when she is told her "locker room" will be the janitor's closet. Changing with the mop buckets, spiders, and a door that doesn't lock are just the beginning of her problems. Someone pours Gatorade in her gym bag, one of the players runs by and flashes her, and she is punched and kicked by players threatening her if she doesn't quit the team.

The hazing escalates when Michigan turns out to be the high scorer for the team and gets noticed by the press and college scouts attending the games. After an incident at a weekend party, Michigan must decide whether to report the abuse or keep quiet.

Author Carrie S. Allen takes readers right into the action of high school hockey in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Not a usual sport for YA novels, the rough, tough sport of hockey gets even rougher and tougher when a girl demonstrates the courage to join in the action.

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