Monday, June 3, 2024

THE YEAR OF THE BUTTERED CAT by Susan Haas with Lexi Haas


Lexi has a form of cerebral palsy that doesn't allow her to control her movements or speak. THE YEAR OF THE BUTTERED CAT is a book Lexi wrote with her mother. Her story alternates between the year she was 6 years old and the year she was 13. 

In the early years it was discovered that although Lexi was compromised physically, she was extremely smart. She learned to read before age 1 and with the help of her mother and a homeschooling program, Lexi advanced well beyond her peers. 

Her parents researched ways to improve Lexi's physical abilities. They discovered a procedure which would implant electrodes in her brain that could be programmed to help her control her movements. Young Lexi underwent the surgery once and found some relief. At age 13 Lexi made the decision to undergo the surgery a second time with the hope of improving even more.

Her story includes a countdown to this second surgery. With the help of her parents and siblings, she is active on social media and helps encourage others with disabilities caused by the same health complication that caused her condition.

Readers who fell in love with Melody in author Sharon. M. Draper's OUT OF MY MIND will want to read Lexi's story. 

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