Wednesday, July 31, 2024



Isabel doesn't enjoy havoc and hullabaloo. It isn't easy to avoid it though with five siblings squeezed into a tiny house. Things aren't any better at school where the bell rings so loudly she has to cover her ears, and the lunchroom is chaotic with nowhere to sit. She sometimes finds quiet under the trees at the edge of the school grounds, but she's still nervous and her stomach hurts.

A new girl named Monica is making Isabel even more uncomfortable. All the girls she used to pal around with are hanging out with Monica who has made it clear that Isabel doesn't fit in their group. When Isabel tries to talk to her mother about how uncomfortable she feels, her mother is too busy with her job and parenting Isabel's siblings.

Isabel believes her stomach pains are caused by the worry-moths she feels fluttering in her tummy. There's the homework worry-moth, the don't miss the bus worry-moth, and the eating-alone worry-moth, just to name a few. It isn't until a real physical pain accompanied by a raging fever lands Isabel in the hospital that people begin to take her seriously.

Author Sally J. Pla takes readers into the life of neuro-divergent Isabel where they will begin to understand how other people think and feel. INVISIBLE ISABEL should be in every classroom and library!

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