Thursday, August 15, 2024

SUNRISE NIGHTS by Jeff Zentner & Brittany Cavallaro

It is the summer before junior year. Florence and Jude are at an arts camp along the shore of Lake Michigan. Florence is a dancer and Jude is into photography. Neither of them have met until this last night of camp. 

At the final bonfire, Florence and Jude meet as they are toasting marshmallows. Jude suggests Florence might want to try carefully toasting the sweet treats instead of incinerating them. This conversation begins a night together.

The last night of camp is known as Sunrise Night. The campers are given the freedom to roam the town as long as they check in at designated times throughout the night. Florence and Jude get to know each other as they wander the town.

They agree to meet again the following summer on Sunrise Night. It is also agreed that they won't communicate at all until they meet again. Can a friendship or more be created in this way? Florence and Jude both hope so. 

Authors Jeff Zentner and Brittany Cavallaro collaborate using a combination of prose and verse to create this unique story.


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