Wednesday, August 28, 2024



Living with Aunt Fran in San Francisco has been the best thing for Delilah "Del." Her suicide attempt 18 months ago was a wake-up call for everyone. Del had been dealing with anxiety and depression for a while, and when it turned into alcoholism and drug addiction, her downward spiral happened fast.

With her mother dead and her father living in London, Aunt Fran stepped up to provide the stability Del needed. Working part-time in Aunt Fran's art gallery, volunteering for the suicide prevention hot line, and attending AA meetings, keeps Del busy and hopefully on the straight and narrow. She's planning to start college in the fall and hoping to get closer to longtime friend Nick if he gets the scholarship that will bring him to SF.

All this smooth sailing is cut short when Aunt Fran's cancer returns. The diagnosis is more serious this time, and when chemo treatments fail, Del finds out just how strong she is as she takes over Fran's care full-time. Can she deal with her aunt's disease and pain without losing her own way?

Author Ann Jacobus focuses on suicide and death and dying in THE COLDEST WINTER I EVER SPENT. Readers will quickly become connected to Del and Fran as they follow the months following Del's recovery and Fran's deteriorating health. Their story will stay with readers long after the final scene.

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