Wednesday, September 25, 2024



Molly is still recovering from death of her brother two years ago. Even though he had been sick since birth, it hit hard when he finally lost the battle. Molly has become used to picking up the slack for her parents. She took on caring for herself and her little sister and trying not to bother their parents.

When Molly learns that her favorite teacher Ms Lewiston has been suspended, and the book club that made going to school worthwhile has been shut down, Molly is furious. Gathering with friends to discuss books Ms Lewiston had in her classroom was something that Molly really looked forward to. When everything else seemed out of control, at least she had this, and now it was gone.

Molly and the members of the club try to find out what happened. Evidently some person complained about the books they were reading and the discussions they were having in the club. Now Molly is determined to organize her friends into a group to protest these changes. 

Can they figure out just who complained? Can they convince the administration that they have the right to read and discuss what they want? Molly and friends learn about all the book banning going on across the country as they try to solve the problem at their own school.

Author Dana Alison Levy presents the book banning issue through the eyes of students who find it effecting their lives. Readers will learn along with Molly and maybe even come up with solutions of their own.

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