Sunday, September 15, 2024

SHAKEN by James Preller


Kristy's world is all about soccer. She's only thirteen, but she is already playing at the varsity level. Everyone says she'll probably win national awards and maybe play at the Olympic level someday. Soccer is on her mind as soon as she wakes in the morning and fills her dreams at night.

She doesn't really remember the play that put her on the sidelines. All she remembers is lying on the ground with her coach and players asking if she is okay. Doctors diagnose her with a severe concussion. What follows are horrible headaches, dizziness, blurry vision, sensitivity to light, and the inability to concentrate. She is told to rest, and things will improve.

How long will it take for things to improve? When will she be able to play again? She is even wondering when she will be able to sit through a day at school. Doing her classwork at home isn't working. She's failing all her classes, and she's pretty sure all her teammates hate her because the team isn't doing well. Her dad isn't talking to her, and her mother seems constantly disappointed in her. 

Months pass as Kristy tries to figure out what will happen if she can't play anymore. Maybe she doesn't even want to play anymore.

Author James Preller artfully captures the pain and disability of concussion for a young athlete. A condition that used to be dismissed as just part of sport, concussion is now getting the attention it deserves. Preller shows readers how Kristy must deal with the physical and emotional impact of a potentially career ending injury. I highly recommend SHAKEN for middle grade, high school, and even adult readers.

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