Sunday, January 10, 2010


Even with the odds stacked against him, Trevor Musgrove proves that determination and a sense of humor can work wonders.

Moving to a new school has its challenges.  Trevor, his mother, and his two younger siblings are moving into a new apartment.  It is a pretty crappy place with smelly hallways, broken elevators, and a definite criminal element.  Unfortunately, it's all they can afford.  All three kids wear secondhand clothes and sleep on mattresses from a place called Save the Children.  Trevor's mom works two jobs and that leaves him babysitting the two younger kids when he'd rather be playing soccer and hanging out with his new friends.

School could offer a breath of fresh air for Trevor.  The kids from his underprivileged neighborhood attend school along with a bunch of rich kids from a different part of town.  Trevor discovers himself in a science class for gifted kids in something known as the Summit program.  At first he is worried about not making the grade, but once he meets the unusual teacher and starts learning amazing things about mushrooms, he finds out learning is fun and easier than he ever imagined.

A big soccer fan, Trevor also finds he has a chance to try out for an elite traveling soccer league.  When he mentions it to his over-worked mother, she immediately says no way.  Too expensive and who will babysit while she has to work are her reasons for saying no, but Trevor doesn't give up easily.  He secretly attends the tryouts and gets a place on the team.  It sounds like good news, but that's when everything else begins to go wrong.

INVISIBLE LINES by Mary Amato is a fast-paced story of one boy and his fight to help his family, make his mother proud, and meet the challenges of an accelerated program.  Amato combines soccer, art, and science in a tale that will grab readers on page one.  Aimed at a middle grade audience, INVISIBLE LINES is excellent for independent reading or for use with a group.  The characters are typical middle school students in situations that will provide discussion material as well as entertainment.


Mary Amato said...

What a great summary. I have the hardest time summarizing books! Readers might enjoy seeing my writing process in my Writing Invisible Lines video, which you can find on youtube or on my website.

Read on!!

Readingjunky said...

Thanks for commenting, Mary and for mentioning the video on your website.