Thursday, May 2, 2019

BLOOD MOUNTAIN by James Preller

First, I'd like to thank the author, James Preller, for an early peek at BLOOD MOUNTAIN. Second, I suggest you put this one on your pre-order list for its October 2019 release. You are going to want to read it as soon as it comes out and share it with friends!

Grace, Carter, and their father set out to hike Blood Mountain, but their plans quickly change. Dad just isn't going as quickly as the kids would like so they take off ahead with the family dog, Sitka. 
When their father begins feeling chest pains and other scary heart attack related symptoms, the kids are too far away to give him the help he needs. 

Excited by the sights and sounds, Grace and Carter keep hiking on. Their difficulties begin when Grace slips and slides down a cliff. When she lands, she has an ugly gash on one leg, a possibly broken ankle on the other, and most likely several broken ribs. Leaving the dog to guard Grace, Carter heads back to find their father and get help.

What follows is a breathless adventure involving a dangerous mud bog, an escaped mountain lion, and a mountain man intent on keeping his whereabouts unknown. A local ranger becomes involved in the rescue. When she learns two kids are missing on the mountain, she is determined they won't be lost on her watch.

In BLOOD MOUNTAIN author James Preller tells a fast-paced, action-packed story that is filled with intense moments and well-researched outdoor information. From the detailed description of the father's heart attack symptoms to facts about mountain terrain/wildlife, and knowledge of traumatized veterans, Preller nails it. Readers will be pulled from start to finish hoping for a satisfying conclusion.

1 comment:

Jim said...

Thanks for this very kind review, much appreciated!

James Preller