Thursday, July 11, 2019


Getting struck by lightning. It happens. It happened 4 years ago to Lucy Callahan. Lucy's life changed that day. After the incident, Lucy became a math savant. She could do crazy hard math problems in her head really fast. Unfortunately, there were a few side effects to get used to, but Lucy, with the help of her grandmother, manages to adapt to the changes.

The side effects included some OCD behavior that drew unwanted attention when Lucy was at school so her grandmother elected to homeschool Lucy. Of course Lucy excelled in math and had easily outpaced her fellow grade school students. 

With her unique math abilities and her quirky tics, making friends and fitting in was difficult. As the story opens, Lucy and her grandmother are attempting to come to terms with the fact that Lucy is academically ready for college, but socially stunted. When Lucy hears her grandmother's solution, she can't believe it. Grandmother thinks Lucy should try one year in middle school, 7th grade to be exact. She wants Lucy to make 1 friend, join 1 activity, and read 1 book. Can she succeed without losing control?

Readers will cheer Lucy on as she makes not 1 friend, but eventually 2. She learns how to deal with bullies, participates in an awesome community service project, and even gets suspended. 

THE MISCALCULATIONS OF LIGHTNING GIRL is Stacy McAnulty's first novel. She illustrates determination, the importance of friendship, and overcoming obstacles in the fast-paced, heartwarming read. I can't wait to get ahold of her second book, THE WORLD ENDS IN APRIL.

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