Thursday, April 23, 2020

HURRICANE SEASON by Nicole Melleby

HURRICANE SEASON is the story of music, art, love, and mental illness. A tender, yet powerful story that will remain deeply etched in the minds of most readers.

Fig's mother left her shortly after her birth. Living with her father has always been a challenge. He clearly loves Fig, but there are times when he "leaves" Fig to disappear into his own mind. Once a talented musician and composer, he gives private piano lessons when he can and his attempts at composition can be found crumpled around his piano.

Living off the royalties of pieces he sold years ago, father and daughter live in a small house along the coast of New Jersey. In addition to music, Fig's father is fascinated by storms. He connects to their power and beauty in a way Fig doesn't understand. The real trouble began when Fig was forced to call the police to rescue him as he stood at the water's edge watching a hurricane come ashore. That's when authorities from social service started their file on Fig and her father.

Keeping him safe and keeping his condition a secret become Fig's most important goals in life. Little does she know that a friend from school and the tall stranger who moves into the yellow house across the street will soon become two people she can count on to help her discover what's best for her dad.

Nicole Melleby's novel HURRICANE SEASON is a must read for anyone looking for a better understanding of living with mental illness. It's scary and inspiring and filled with love.

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