Wednesday, September 30, 2020

HARD WIRED by Len Vlahos


Playing video games and daydreaming about a hot girl, those are the things that entertain high school student Quinn. He makes his mother happy by excelling in school, and he spends time with his younger brother when he can. When he discovers videos made by his father before he died of cancer, Quinn hopes to gain some insight into who he is and where his future might take him. Recently, Quinn has been experiencing fainting spells. These spells are dismissed as stress related, but the rather embarrassing habit of passing out is starting to annoy Quinn.

Upon waking from one of these spells, Quinn makes a frightening discovery. He is not really human. Waking in a sterile lab surrounded by strangers he soon learns are his "team," it is revealed that Quinn is actually an AI - artificial intelligence. The life he has been living is really a virtual world designed by screen writers, and he has been being studied by scientists and psychologists trying to create an artificial human.

As it becomes clear that Quinn might possibly be smarter than all of his creators combined, he starts to use the technology around him to attempt to return to what he wishes was still his normal daily life. Connecting with outsiders gives him hope that he can escape the lab, but his creators may have much more power over him than he realizes.

Author Len Vlahos is the author of award winning THE SCAR BOYS and several other awesome YA novels. In HARD WIRED Vlahos takes readers on a sci-fi adventure that will blow their minds. Quinn's life and abilities will have readers questioning exactly what might be possible in the not to distant future.

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