Sunday, March 21, 2021

FELIX YZ by Lisa Bunker


Felix is unique. In his case it isn't necessarily a good thing. At the age of three he was the victim of an accident in a laboratory that took the life of his father and left Felix attached to a 4th dimension being  he calls Zyx. Only Felix's family and a select group of scientists know the truth about the event. All others know is The Story Felix has been instructed to tell them.

Life hasn't been easy since the accident. His posture was deformed as a result so he sleeps in a recliner for maximum comfort. He has a difficult time speaking so relies on typing responses. When Zyx gets excited about something or wants to communicate, it often looks like Felix is having a seizure or some sort of fit. Needless to say, Felix is often teased and bullied by those who don't understand his uniqueness. 

The doctors watching over Felix have determined that he must undergo a Procedure to separate him from Zyx. If this isn't done, Felix and Zyx will both surely die. The story begins 29 days before the Procedure. Felix journals his experiences leading up to the day his life might end. 

Author Lisa Bunker's creative look at science gone wrong offers not only the story of Felix's situation, but also a bit of romance, some high level chess matches, music, and quirky characters who will leave a lasting impression. FELIX YZ is definitely one of a kind.

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