Monday, February 28, 2022



The longer I've lived the more I believe the statement, "You don't know what someone's going through...."
I try to think of this whenever I run across someone whose behavior I don't understand or agree with. I don't know what it's like for that person - how they think, feel, or live.

FLIGHT OF THE PUFFIN is about four kids living their lives the best way they know how. Circumstances occur that connect the four in unusual ways, and their lives are enriched because of it.

Libby comes from a long line of bullies, but she wants to make a change. Unfortunately, her actions aren't also taken in the right way leaving her in trouble or with a lot to explain.

Jack loves his life in a small community, but outsiders are threatening to change the place he loves. When he tries to step up and speak up, his intentions are misunderstood. How can he make things right? Can he correct his mistake and still speak up for change?

Vincent is the target for bullies. His love for all things about puffins makes him an easy mark for the mean kids at his school. His other obsession is triangles. He hopes his beloved triangles can give him the power to stand up for who he is.

T lives on the street. They sleep in a sleeping bag outside the church with a little dog as their only companion. Misunderstood by their family, they don't feel able to return home where there's a threat to change how they live. 

Ann Braden, also the author of THE BENEFITS OF BEING AN OCTOPUS, will hopefully have readers looking at people with more understanding and love. 

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