Saturday, January 14, 2023

IVELIZ EXPLAINS IT ALL by Andrea Betriz Arango


Iveliz "Ive" is starting seventh grade. She has a list of goals and she hopes to meet them all. What she really hopes is that someone might "explain it all" to her.

Ive misses her father and blames herself for the accident that took his life. He was always the person who understood her the best. Her Mami works all the time and never was much of a hugger, and having a hug now and then would go a long way Ive thinks. 

Mimi has moved in with them. She lived in Puerto Rico, but due to damage from the hurricane and her dementia, it isn't safe for her to live alone anymore. It is difficult to see her beloved Mimi confused and forgetful. Mimi also criticizes the medicine and therapy Ive relies on since her father's death.

Author Andrea Beatriz Arango highlights mental health in this novel in verse. Ive has trouble being honest about her feelings unless she is writing in her journal. With the help of therapy, she slows learns that sharing her true thoughts and feelings with family, friends, and teachers just might make things easier. 

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