Sunday, March 17, 2024

GENDER QUEER: A Memoir by Maia Kobabe

With all the craziness about book banning, this title pops up often. I realized I had never read it. Well, now I have, and I believe it offers critical information for any person searching for who they are and how they identify.

Maia Kobabe's childhood was free of many of the conventions limiting sexuality most young people face. Raised in an open, accepting family living off the grid, gave Maia a chance to be, just be. When the family moved to a more traditional home and public school became part of Maia's life, complications became the norm.

In GENDER QUEER readers will ride along with Maia as they explore and experiment to find just exactly who they are. Discovering the pronouns "e, em, and eir" opened a whole new world for Maia. Feeling more comfortable with this discovery and expanding the world to include college, self-discovery answered many questions for Maia.

As an author Maia Kobabe deserves praise not censorship. GENDER QUEER should be available for all readers.


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