Thursday, June 27, 2024

OLIVETTI by Allie Millington


OLIVETTI by Allie Millington is a heart-warming book about family, love, and the power of words. The story is told by a young boy named Ernest and a typewriter named Olivetti. 

Ernest Brindle is quiet and prefers to be alone. He loves words and his Oxford English Dictionaries. When everyone else is busy, he climbs to the roof and enjoys reading about words and definitions. 

Olivetti is an antique typewriter that has lived with the Brindle family for years. Mostly used by the mother, Beatrice, Olivetti has been proud to record the stories she calls her Tapestries. Through the years the children have also typed stories and nonsense on the old machine.

One day Beatrice takes Olivetti to a nearby pawn shop and trades him for the sum of $126. Olivetti is put on a shelf, and Beatrice disappears.

When the family realizes that Beatrice is gone, they set to work finding her. Ernest feels especially guilty about his mother's disappearance. If he had behaved better and communicated with her, maybe she would not have left. When Ernest discovers Olivetti has been pawned, he also discovers the typewriter has the ability to communicate. With the help of Olivetti and a new friend named Quinn, Ernest embarks on a quest to find his mother.

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