Wednesday, September 11, 2024



It's been just Ava and her dad for as long as she can remember. Her mother died when she was just a baby. Father and daughter get along quite well, that is until he gets a girlfriend.

Having a girlfriend is okay with Ava, but when Ava's dad announces a trip to Colorado to meet the girlfriend and her daughter, it triggers Ava's anxiety. They will be gone for two weeks! They will be flying! And, they will be going to one of the most dangerous states in the U.S.! Mountains, bears, altitude sickness - how will they ever survive.

Once they arrive, even more surprises pop up. They will be going up into the mountains for days. There will be hiking, horseback riding, and a Mud Run obstacle course. What is her father thinking? Will Ava discover that she is braver than she thought? Will she discover other people have similar worries? Will she discover her father doesn't know everything there is to know about the girlfriend?

Author Kellye Crocker takes readers into Ava's world where they will experience her worries and her fears. She doesn't always make good choices and learns there can be consequences she never anticipated. 

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