Saturday, March 8, 2025

REZ BALL by Byron Graves


Tre Brun is dedicating his time to improving his basketball skills. He has hopes of using basketball as his ticket off the Red Lake Indian Reservation. He is playing JV but hopes to move up to varsity and play like his father and brother before him. Both had goals to win the state championship. His father didn't succeed, and a tragic car accident ended Tre's older brother's life before he could achieve the goal.

 Tryouts Tre's sophomore year don't go as planned. He was sure he played well and would make the varsity team. He is stuck on the JV team, but vows to play hard and make varsity next year. When a couple of varsity players are suspended, the coach moves Tre up. Can he fit in and prove his worth? If he can play like his brother and father, maybe they have a chance to win at the state level this year.

Author Byron Graves's book REZ BALL has edge-of-your-seat basketball action. Memories of Tre's brother keep emotions uneasy in the family as Tre's playing promises to match that of his idol. This debut will have readers eagerly waiting for this author's next book.

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