Monday, January 24, 2022

ACROSS THE DESERT by Dusti Bowling


Jolene lives in Phoenix with her mother in a crummy apartment. She wears second-hand clothes that are about two years too small which makes her the target for taunts at school. Right now it is the height of summer. That means excessive heat and not many ways to escape it. Jolene spends as much time as she can at the library. It's cool there and she can read her favorite travel books and work on her map drawing skills.

Currently hooked on watching the livestream videos posted by a girl who calls herself Addie Earhart, Jolene tunes in to watch as often as possible. Addie streams her adventures flying an ultralight trike around a desert area a few hours away from where Jolene lives. Addie frequently lands in the desert and explores the terrain, animals, and plant life. Jolene watches with fascination and maps Addie's every move. These library trips and Addie's videos help take Jolene's mind off her opioid addicted mother.

One day while watching Addie's livestream, Jolene witnesses Addie's ultralight crash to the desert floor. Knowing she is the only one viewing the video at the time leaves Jolene desperate to rescue the girl she has come to know as a friend. Armed with a gallon of water, some crackers and a measly slice of bread, Jolene borrows her mother's credit card and cellphone and heads off to save Addie. Can she locate the spot using her hand-drawn map? Will she get there in time to save her friend?

Author Dusti Bowling's ACROSS THE DESERT is an adventure that will have readers on the edge of their seats from beginning to end. This one is perfect for middle grade and up.

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