Saturday, January 3, 2009

FAR FROM YOU by Lisa Schroeder

First of all, I don't know if this qualifies as a *spoiler alert*, but be sure to have tissues handy when you read this book. All I can say is I'm glad I didn't read during free reading time at school or my students would have been uncomfortable to say the least.

Alice is struggling with life. Things are piling up on her. It's been years since her mother's death, but the pain of her absence is just as sharp as ever. Her father and her stepmother are trying to make her feel a part of the birth of her half-sister, but it just doesn't feel right. She is deeply in love with her boyfriend Blaze, and even though he says he understands when she tells him she's not ready for sex, she wonders how he really feels. And then there's Claire. Her best friend doesn't seem to want to be the supportive friend she has always been in the past.

When Alice's father announces a little family trip to visit the new in-laws, there is no convincing him that she should be allowed to stay at home. Thanksgiving and the days that follow in the cramped home of her stepmother's family seem like torture, but Alice would gladly have those days back if she had only known what would happen next.

Her father is suddenly called away on business leaving Alice, her stepmother, and the new baby to return home on their own. An unexpected winter blizzard traps them in their on a wooded back road where their very survival is in question.

Lisa Schroeder has created a powerful story of one girl's journey to accept her new life and find the faith to carry on. The cover asks "Do you believe in angels?" You will when you finish this book.

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