Monday, October 3, 2016

TOP PROSPECT by Paul Volponi

Top Prospect
It wasn't until reading this book that I realized there are 8th grade football players so talented that they have been offered college scholarships before even beginning their high school football careers. Paul Volponi's new book TOP PROSPECT tells a story with a character who experiences just that.

Travis Gardner and his brother Carter both play football and play it very well. Travis is starting 8th grade and is extremely proud of his brother who will be starting his freshman year in college with a football scholarship.

While spending time with Carter, Travis gets to show off some of his skills as a quarterback. He attracts the attention of the college coach, and before he knows it, he is guaranteed a chance to attend college when he graduates in five years. The offer creates quite a sensation in town, and ESPN even shows up to interview him.

Now the pressure is on. Travis has to demonstrate his talents in each and every game and lead his team to victory. After a successful 8th grade season, he is then faced with making the high school team and earning the spot of first string quarterback.

Amidst the stress of football, Travis must deal with his brother's jealousy, a rocky relationship with their father, his first experience with death, and at the same time keep up his grades so his mom won't shut down the whole plan. Author Paul Volponi expertly describes the rollercoaster of emotions young Travis experiences as he fights to play his best and hang onto a chance for a stellar future.

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