Monday, August 6, 2012


Author Emmy Laybourne has written a short story connected to her novel MONUMENT 14.  It is a chilling side-story concerned with testing done on the chemical/biological weapon released during the apocalytic event in MONUMENT 14. 

In DRESS YOUR MARINES IN WHITE scientists at NORAD have scheduled a test of a compound known as MORS.  The frightening events surrounding the test are recalled in a report being written by one of the scientists.  Unable to forget the horror, he relives the terror as he explains following the orders of his superiors, getting set for the test, and remembering the Leavenworth prisoners used as test subjects.

The information in this brief story makes the events in MONUMENT 14 even more meaningful and terrifying.  It will provide great supplemental material in my plan to use Laybourne's novel with my 9th graders this fall. 

DRESS YOUR MARINES IN WHITE is available in ebook format for only 99 cents!

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