Saturday, July 28, 2012


Sonya Sones's books are well likely by my students.  Her topics hit the mark and being written in verse appeals to reluctant readers making her stories a great stepping stone to other material.  When I saw she had written an adult book, I headed to the library immediately.

I found out I would have to get the book through the inter-loan process so I placed my request.  I got the book yesterday and finished it last night!  It was a fun read and once again - hit the mark!

Holly is turning fifty!  She isn't handling it well.  Her body image has been dealt a cruel blow which she describes in all too familiar detail, her only child is about to leave for college, and her mother is hospitalized more than halfway across the country.  While juggling all this, Holly is also struggling with the book she is writing.  She is overdue on her deadline and her editor is pestering her nonstop.  Everything conspires to interrupt her writing. 

Her husband, who is an artist and also works at home, has a knack for disturbing her peace and quiet.  He seems to be trying not to annoy her but manages to aggravate her with his mere presence more and more.  One minute she is freaking out because he obviously is having an affair with one the mother of one of their daughter's classmates or the slippers he never puts away conspire to trip her in the dark.  Just as she imagines "spending his insurance money," he steps up and helps her through another crisis.

In THE HUNCHBACK OF NEIMAN MARCUS Sonya Sones includes all the frightening moments of growing older as well as the joys of watching our children succeed, the appeal of pleasant memories, and the comfort we find from those who know us best.  I am thrilled to know that teens who read and love her as an author now will be able to continue enjoying her work as they too grow up and grow old.

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