Friday, December 28, 2012

PINNED by Sharon G. Flake

In PINNED two incredibly competitive people headed in totally different directions find themselves meeting in the middle. 

Autumn is the lone girl on her high school wrestling team.  She is very good and has a chance to go all the way to the state competition.  Autumn's strength may be wrestling, but her weakness is school.  Her parents are suddenly concerned about her dropping grades in math and her below average reading level.  They have pulled her from the team until she brings up her grades.

Adonis excels as a student and fulfills a leadership role in the school and community.  Confined to a wheelchair because a birth defect left him with no legs, he is driven by personal pride and a determination to succeed despite his disability.  Adonis is annoyed by people like Autumn who are loud and draw attention to themselves.  He is extremely irritated when Autumn professes her love and vows to make him her boyfriend.

The two teens live their lives moving in two totally different circles at school, but it seems that their lives are destined to intertwine.  The more they find themselves thrown together, the more they begin to change.  Will Autumn be able to develop the relationship with Adonis as she hopes?  Will Adonis begin to understand and appreciate what motivates someone like Autumn?

Veteran author Sharon G. Flake once again hits it out of the park with her latest middle grade selection.  Flake's characters ring true and offer personalities and situations that speak to many young teens.  It is also refreshing to read a book with a wrestling backdrop instead of the usual football/basketball fare.

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