Saturday, June 21, 2014

FAT ANGIE by e. E. Charlton-Trujillo

Fat AngieAngie lives in Dryfalls, Ohio.  She and her family are well-known in town and even beyond because her sister, a local basketball star turned soldier, has disappeared in Afghanistan.  Everyone assumes her sister will not be coming home, but Angie refuses to give up.  If she never sees her sister again, Angie is pretty sure her own life will be over.

Having lost her sister is not Angie's only struggle.  She is overweight which makes her a target for every bully in town.  Her own mother also has issues with Angie's weight and spends most of her time avoiding her remaining daughter.  Tension is thick between her mother and also her adopted brother Wang who is having his own difficulties dealing with their missing sibling.

When a new girl named KC Romance walks into Angie's life, amazing things begin to happen.  KC doesn't seem to care about Angie's physical appearance.  She lets Angie know that she thinks there is much more to her than what people see on the outside.  The confidence that Angie gains might be just what she needs to survive her family tragedy, but there is more to KC Romance than meets the eye.

Author e. E. Charlton-Trujillo has created a resilient character in Angie, one who will inspire readers to battle against the odds and fight back.  Angie's journey is not an easy one, but with determination and the support of people who believe in her, she is able to carry on.

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