INVISIBLE GIRL documents Hemingway's struggle to survive in a dysfunctional family famous enough to be hit by the occasional spotlight. Both parents are alcoholics dealing with a rocky relationship for most of their married life. Two older siblings are dealing with their own emotional and mental health issues. That leaves Mariel to quietly fend for herself.
Lonely for much of her young life, she struggled in school, not only with the subject matter, but also with fitting in and making long-lasting friendships. Feeling unattractive and awkward, Mariel escaped into to make believe games and daydreams. It seemed that just when things might begin to fall into place, her world was upended, forcing her to begin again.
Written in an easy, flowing style, INVISIBLE GIRL offers teens a peek into the not-so-perfect life of a woman who not only survived her teenage years, but went on to become quite accomplished. I know I will have readers interested in this one.
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